5 Cosas que usted puede no saber sobre el cáncer oral

burgundy oral cancer awareness ribbonEl cáncer oral consiste en cualquier cáncer de cabeza y cuello (excluyendo los cánceres de cerebro - que es su propia categoría). La tasa de mortalidad del cáncer oral es por desgracia muy alto porque la gente se enteran de cáncer oral demasiado tarde. This is why it is important to practice regular self-examinations in order to be proactive and seek treatment early.

1. 450,000 new oral cancer cases are discovered worldwide each year

While this number is only an estimate, it shows how many people are being affected by oral cancer and why this topic should be taken seriously.

2. HPV is a leading cause of oral cancer

There are many strains of HPV, but HPV-16 in particular has a strong connection to oral cancer. Most HPV strains cause warts or cervical cancer and some have a small connection to oral cancer. For people with HPV, it is important to practice regular oral self-exams in order to be proactive about oral cancer.

3. Oral cancer affects more men than women

Oral cancer affects men over women on a 2:1 ratio. This correlation may be due to men smoking and drinking more than women, although studies have shown oral cancer among women is on the rise. No matter your gender – practice clean oral health practices.

4. Alcohol and tobacco are huge risk factors

These two risk factors are considered lifestyle risk factors. When you think of smoking heavily, your first thought probably is lung cancer. sin embargo, that is not the only cancer that smoking causes, as roughly 80% of people with oral cancer are heavy smokers. Alcohol is another huge risk factor as 70% of oral cancer patients are heavy drinkers.

5. If oral cancer is discovered early enough, the cure rate is around 90%

The biggest concern about oral cancer is that it is not discovered soon enough. That is why it is important not to overlook any suspicious bumps that appear in your mouth, and to give your oral surgeon a call as soon as you see it.

Head and neck cancers are not usually discovered soon enough. Make sure you are practicing regular self-examinations, and contact our office today at Shimane cirugía oral y maxilofacial número de teléfono 510-885-8720 for an oral cancer screening!